Monday, January 9, 2017


I Am Enough by Molly Mahar

I am full of sparkle and compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard. I practice kindness. I am not afraid the truth. I am loyal, adventurous, supportive, and surprising. I am a woman. I am enough. I make mistakes, but I own them and learn from them. Sometimes I make a bunch of mistakes too.

I an enough. I am open, juicy, artistic, full blast. I am also vain, emotional, demanding, and looking for answers. I am a woman who is open to mysteries, accepting of miracles. I am diving in, devouring, loving, protecting, peeling back the surface of petty desires to the hunger for connection, for belief, and for truth.

I am less concerned with doing things correctly than I once was more concerned with dancing, drumming, swimming naked. 

I accept that a sense of wonder is something to cultivate. I accept that I sometimes self medicate with alcohol, with filling my life full of busyness, with doing into self imposed isolation. I accept that I crave financial abundance, a freedom to do what I want, when I want it. I am still enough.

I am a lover of ripe mangoes, stars in the midnight sky. stories around the campfire, the smell of rich coffee, laughing until I can't breathe, having someone reach for my hand. I am a lover, a sister, a storyteller, a daughter, a mentor, and a student.

I am enough.
And I know in my deepest heart -- you are enough too.

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